Source code for halo.halo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
"""Beautiful terminal spinners in Python.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import atexit
import functools
import sys
import threading
import time

import cursor
from log_symbols.symbols import LogSymbols
from spinners.spinners import Spinners

from halo._utils import (colored_frame, decode_utf_8_text, get_environment,
                         get_terminal_columns, is_supported, is_text_type,

[docs]class Halo(object): """Halo library. Attributes ---------- CLEAR_LINE : str Code to clear the line """ CLEAR_LINE = '\033[K' SPINNER_PLACEMENTS = ('left', 'right',) def __init__(self, text='', color='cyan', text_color=None, spinner=None, animation=None, placement='left', interval=-1, enabled=True, stream=sys.stdout): """Constructs the Halo object. Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Text shown along with spinner. text_color : str, optional Color of the text to dislpay. Can be ``grey``, ``red``, ``green``, ``yellow``, ``blue``, ``magenta``, ``cyan``, or ``white``. Defaults to ``None``. color : str, optional Color of the spinner. Can be ``grey``, ``red``, ``green``, ``yellow``, ``blue``, ``magenta``, ``cyan``, or ``white``. Defaults to ``cyan``. spinner : str|dict, optional String or dictionary representing spinner. String can be one of 60+ spinners supported. If a dict is passed, it should define ``interval`` and ``frames``. Something like:: { 'interval': 100, 'frames': ['-', '+', '*', '+', '-'] } animation: str, optional Animation to apply if text is too large. Can be ``bounce`` or ``marquee``. If no animation is defined, the text will be ellipsed. placement: str, optional Side of the text to place the spinner on. Can be ``left`` or ``right``. Defaults to ``left``. interval : int, optional Interval between each frame of the spinner in milliseconds. Defaults to spinner interval (recommended). enabled : bool, optional Enable or disable the spinner. Defaults to ``True``. stream : io, optional Stream to write the output. Defaults to ``sys.stdout``. """ self._color = color self._animation = animation self.spinner = spinner self.text = text self._text_color = text_color self._interval = int(interval) if int(interval) > 0 else self._spinner['interval'] self._stream = stream self.placement = placement self._frame_index = 0 self._text_index = 0 self._spinner_thread = None self._stop_spinner = None self._spinner_id = None self.enabled = enabled environment = get_environment() def clean_up(): """Handle cell execution""" self.stop() if environment in ('ipython', 'jupyter'): from IPython import get_ipython ip = get_ipython()'post_run_cell', clean_up) else: # default terminal atexit.register(clean_up) def __enter__(self): """Starts the spinner on a separate thread. For use in context managers. Returns ------- self """ return self.start() def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Stops the spinner. For use in context managers.""" self.stop() def __call__(self, f): """Allow the Halo object to be used as a regular function decorator.""" @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): with self: return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped @property def spinner(self): """Getter for spinner property. Returns ------- dict spinner value """ return self._spinner @spinner.setter def spinner(self, spinner=None): """Setter for spinner property. Parameters ---------- spinner : dict, str Defines the spinner value with frame and interval """ self._spinner = self._get_spinner(spinner) self._frame_index = 0 self._text_index = 0 @property def text(self): """Getter for text property. Returns ------- str text value """ return self._text['original'] @text.setter def text(self, text): """Setter for text property. Parameters ---------- text : str Defines the text value for spinner """ self._text = self._get_text(text) @property def text_color(self): """Getter for text color property. Returns ------- str text color value """ return self._text_color @text_color.setter def text_color(self, text_color): """Setter for text color property. Parameters ---------- text_color : str Defines the text color value for spinner """ self._text_color = text_color @property def color(self): """Getter for color property. Returns ------- str color value """ return self._color @color.setter def color(self, color): """Setter for color property. Parameters ---------- color : str Defines the color value for spinner """ self._color = color @property def placement(self): """Getter for placement property. Returns ------- str spinner placement """ return self._placement @placement.setter def placement(self, placement): """Setter for placement property. Parameters ---------- placement: str Defines the placement of the spinner """ if placement not in self.SPINNER_PLACEMENTS: raise ValueError( "Unknown spinner placement '{0}', available are {1}".format(placement, self.SPINNER_PLACEMENTS)) self._placement = placement @property def spinner_id(self): """Getter for spinner id Returns ------- str Spinner id value """ return self._spinner_id @property def animation(self): """Getter for animation property. Returns ------- str Spinner animation """ return self._animation @animation.setter def animation(self, animation): """Setter for animation property. Parameters ---------- animation: str Defines the animation of the spinner """ self._animation = animation self._text = self._get_text(self._text['original'])
[docs] def _check_stream(self): """Returns whether the stream is open, and if applicable, writable Returns ------- bool Whether the stream is open """ if self._stream.closed: return False try: # Attribute access kept separate from invocation, to avoid # swallowing AttributeErrors from the call which should bubble up. check_stream_writable = self._stream.writable except AttributeError: pass else: return check_stream_writable() return True
[docs] def _write(self, s): """Write to the stream, if writable Parameters ---------- s : str Characters to write to the stream """ if self._check_stream(): self._stream.write(s)
[docs] def _hide_cursor(self): """Disable the user's blinking cursor """ if self._check_stream() and self._stream.isatty(): cursor.hide(stream=self._stream)
[docs] def _show_cursor(self): """Re-enable the user's blinking cursor """ if self._check_stream() and self._stream.isatty():
[docs] def _get_spinner(self, spinner): """Extracts spinner value from options and returns value containing spinner frames and interval, defaults to ``dots`` spinner. Parameters ---------- spinner : dict, str Contains spinner value or type of spinner to be used Returns ------- dict Contains frames and interval defining spinner """ default_spinner = Spinners['dots'].value if spinner and type(spinner) == dict: return spinner if is_supported(): if all([is_text_type(spinner), spinner in Spinners.__members__]): return Spinners[spinner].value else: return default_spinner else: return Spinners['line'].value
[docs] def _get_text(self, text): """Creates frames based on the selected animation Returns ------- self """ animation = self._animation stripped_text = text.strip() # Check which frame of the animation is the widest max_spinner_length = max([len(i) for i in self._spinner['frames']]) # Subtract to the current terminal size the max spinner length # (-1 to leave room for the extra space between spinner and text) terminal_width = get_terminal_columns() - max_spinner_length - 1 text_length = len(stripped_text) frames = [] if terminal_width < text_length and animation: if animation == 'bounce': """ Make the text bounce back and forth """ for x in range(0, text_length - terminal_width + 1): frames.append(stripped_text[x:terminal_width + x]) frames.extend(list(reversed(frames))) elif 'marquee': """ Make the text scroll like a marquee """ stripped_text = stripped_text + ' ' + stripped_text[:terminal_width] for x in range(0, text_length + 1): frames.append(stripped_text[x:terminal_width + x]) elif terminal_width < text_length and not animation: # Add ellipsis if text is larger than terminal width and no animation was specified frames = [stripped_text[:terminal_width - 6] + ' (...)'] else: frames = [stripped_text] return { 'original': text, 'frames': frames }
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the line and returns cursor to the start of line. Returns ------- self """ self._write('\r') self._write(self.CLEAR_LINE) return self
[docs] def _render_frame(self): """Renders the frame on the line after clearing it. """ if not self.enabled: # in case we're disabled or stream is closed while still rendering, # we render the frame and increment the frame index, so the proper # frame is rendered if we're reenabled or the stream opens again. return self.clear() frame = self.frame() output = '\r{}'.format(frame) try: self._write(output) except UnicodeEncodeError: self._write(encode_utf_8_text(output))
[docs] def render(self): """Runs the render until thread flag is set. Returns ------- self """ while not self._stop_spinner.is_set(): self._render_frame() time.sleep(0.001 * self._interval) return self
[docs] def frame(self): """Builds and returns the frame to be rendered Returns ------- self """ frames = self._spinner['frames'] frame = frames[self._frame_index] if self._color: frame = colored_frame(frame, self._color) self._frame_index += 1 self._frame_index = self._frame_index % len(frames) text_frame = self.text_frame() return u'{0} {1}'.format(*[ (text_frame, frame) if self._placement == 'right' else (frame, text_frame) ][0])
[docs] def text_frame(self): """Builds and returns the text frame to be rendered Returns ------- self """ if len(self._text['frames']) == 1: if self._text_color: return colored_frame(self._text['frames'][0], self._text_color) # Return first frame (can't return original text because at this point it might be ellipsed) return self._text['frames'][0] frames = self._text['frames'] frame = frames[self._text_index] self._text_index += 1 self._text_index = self._text_index % len(frames) if self._text_color: return colored_frame(frame, self._text_color) return frame
[docs] def start(self, text=None): """Starts the spinner on a separate thread. Parameters ---------- text : None, optional Text to be used alongside spinner Returns ------- self """ if text is not None: self.text = text if self._spinner_id is not None: return self if not (self.enabled and self._check_stream()): return self self._hide_cursor() self._stop_spinner = threading.Event() self._spinner_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.render) self._spinner_thread.setDaemon(True) self._render_frame() self._spinner_id = self._spinner_thread.start() return self
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the spinner and clears the line. Returns ------- self """ if self._spinner_thread and self._spinner_thread.is_alive(): self._stop_spinner.set() self._spinner_thread.join() if self.enabled: self.clear() self._frame_index = 0 self._spinner_id = None self._show_cursor() return self
[docs] def succeed(self, text=None): """Stops the spinner and changes symbol to ``✔``. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Parameters ---------- text : None, optional Text to be shown alongside success symbol. Returns ------- self """ return self.stop_and_persist(symbol=LogSymbols.SUCCESS.value, text=text)
[docs] def fail(self, text=None): """Stops the spinner and changes symbol to ``✖``. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Parameters ---------- text : None, optional Text to be shown alongside fail symbol. Returns ------- self """ return self.stop_and_persist(symbol=LogSymbols.ERROR.value, text=text)
[docs] def warn(self, text=None): """Stops the spinner and changes symbol to ``⚠``. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Parameters ---------- text : None, optional Text to be shown alongside warn symbol. Returns ------- self """ return self.stop_and_persist(symbol=LogSymbols.WARNING.value, text=text)
[docs] def info(self, text=None): """Stops the spinner and changes symbol to `ℹ`. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Parameters ---------- text : None, optional Text to be shown alongside info symbol. Returns ------- self """ return self.stop_and_persist(symbol=LogSymbols.INFO.value, text=text)
[docs] def stop_and_persist(self, symbol=' ', text=None): """Stops the spinner and changes symbol and text. Parameters ---------- symbol : str, optional Symbol to replace the spinner with. Defaults to ``' '``. text: str, optional Text to be persisted. Defaults to instance text. .. image:: Returns ------- self """ if not self.enabled: return self symbol = decode_utf_8_text(symbol) if text is not None: text = decode_utf_8_text(text) else: text = self._text['original'] text = text.strip() if self._text_color: text = colored_frame(text, self._text_color) self.stop() output = u'{0} {1}\n'.format(*[ (text, symbol) if self._placement == 'right' else (symbol, text) ][0]) try: self._write(output) except UnicodeEncodeError: self._write(encode_utf_8_text(output)) return self