
We need to clone the project and prepare the dev environment:

$ git clone // or using ssh:
$ cd halo
$ pip install -e .

This will install all requirements to use halo. You may want to create a virtual environment specifically for this.

To install development dependencies, run:

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


Before submitting a pull request, make sure the code passes all the tests and is clean of lint errors:

$ tox

To run tests for specific environment, run:

  1. For Python 2.7:
$ tox -e py27
  1. For Python 3.6:
$ tox -e py36

For checking lint issues:

$ tox -e lint

Building Documentation

To install documentation dependencies, run:

$ pip install -r requirements-docs.txt

To build the docs, change directories and then run the html make target:

$ cd docs
$ make html

Documentation will be located in docs/build/html.

Adding Documentation

After editing or adding to the module’s docstrings, update the Sphinx documentation with sphinx-apidoc, clear the output directory, then rebuild the html pages:

$ sphinx-apidoc -f -o ./docs/source halo
$ cd docs
$ make clean
$ make html

After adding content to the docs/source folder, update the Sphinx documentation by clearing the output directory, then rebuilding the html pages:

$ cd docs
$ make clean
$ make html

Testing Documentation

Documentation testing is integrated with tox.

Simply run:

$ tox -e sphinx

If linkcheck fails, a list of broken external links will be located in docs/build/linkcheck/output.txt.